The Walking Dead Season Finale

The Walking Dead Season Finale - TS-19 Recap
By James Ruhle

Warning! Spoilers ahead. The Season Finale of AMC's hit new TV show "The Walking Dead" aired on Sunday 12/5/2010, and boy was it a good one, leaving MANY unanswered questions. The episode starts off right where episode 5 left off. The group has arrived at the CDC(center of disease control) and has been let in by a mysterious man who we later find out is Dr. Jenner. Dr. Jenner is the last of the surviving doctors that are looking for a cure for the zombie infection. The group is allowed inside the highly protected building and is taken back by the coziness and niceness of the interior. It is very high tech.

Luckily Dr. Jenner has some alcohol on hand and everybody gets drunk, however, this leads to Shane nearly raping Lori, when he gets her alone in the recreation room. The next day everybody is hung over and Dr. Jenner decides to show them a video of the inside of the brain of Test Subject 19(TS-19), a subject that has had been infected. The video shows the slow death of the human brain, and the affects that the infection has on the dead brain. Things seem perfect until Dale asks the doctor what the count down timer was, it is revealed that when the timer reaches 0, the building will no longer have power, and will self destruct. The Dr. Reveals this with about 45 minutes left, and than decides to lock all of the exits. Right before the group narrowly escapes, the Doctor whispers something into Ricks ear, however, it is not unveiled what he says. Dr. Jenner decides to stay behind, not wanting to go on anymore because he has completely lost all hope for survival.

The group eventually travels away from the CDC and heads toward an unknown location, as a Bob Dylan song plays in the background. This is a very quick synopsis and it is highly advised to watch the actual show, to catch all the details that I may have missed.



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The Walking Dead Season Finale